Thursday, August 9, 2012


It's all in the name: you may have noticed that the name of my photography changed ;) as much as I like "Arey of light" it has some problems: takes some explaining, can be hard to remember, and doesn't seem "associated" with me. So I have officially decided to change it to {brite}wilson photography!

What made this my choice, well let me explain (if you don't see already)

My full name is Britney Emilie Wilson. My friends and family normally call me Brit. So I am Brit E Wilson. Run that all together and you get ... britewilson ;) my twitter user name is britewilson, and so is my email, so it just made sense to add some brackets (which I love, I don't know why I just do ;) and have the name of my photography mach my actual name and contact info :)

If you would like to see more of my work check out my facebook page (it's quicker and easier for me to upload there so sometimes my blog gets neglected :/ I am also working on a website, but I'm pretty picky and a slight perfectionist so it could take awhile. But be on the lookout! TTFN!


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